Digital Differences 2.0

Thinking Cap

Looking at your comments and reading through other blog post with similar topics have opened my perspective on ‘Digital Differences’. I reflected on my previous post and decided to open the topic once again, with different insights and more elaboration: ‘Digital Differences 2.0’!

The digital factors addressed on Stella’s Blog and her comments on digital gap between the young and old generations got me thinking…..can that apply to comparing my past, present and future self too? In the video below, I will share my thoughts on ‘Digital Differences within myself’.

Digital Difference: my Past, Present, Future self (self-produced on PowToon)

Stella have also inquired about identifying methods to bridge the digital gap between the young and old generations. Through my research, I came across an article from Straits Times which shared about the efforts by Austrian telecommunications company A1 to bridge the digital gap. The movement is as explained below:

bridging-digita_26095579An interesting question have been posted on Nicholas blog: “Should Internet access be a right instead of a privilege?” This have spurred my thinking. I realised that the digital world has became an integral part of our life and wondered if we should have the freedom to access the internet. The rights for Internet access have been a much debated topic as the people are torn between the freedom of expression and the inappropriate use of the internet. In 2016, the UN have declared that people will be given human rights for Internet access. The video below discuss about the debate between if Internet should be a right or privilege: 

Is The Internet A Right Or A Privilege? (NowThis World, 2016)

There are many who are concerned that with the freedom of expression, there will be inappropriate use of the Internet. One such example is that Google and Facebook are still have a ‘Fake News’ problem. Misleading information have caused confusion regarding the Las Vegas Shooting. What are your thoughts on this?

Words: 301


Stella’s Blog

Nicholas’s Blog


Chaykowski, K. (2017, October 2). Facebook And Google Still Have A ‘Fake News’ Problem, Las Vegas Shooting Reveals. Retrieved from forbes:

The Straits Times. (2014, September 20). Bridging the digital divide between the generations. Retrieved from Straitstimes:


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